
5 Easy and Effective Ways to Break in Your Powerlifting Belt

Quick NavigationWhat’s in Your Weightlifting Belt?Thickness of Your BeltStructure of Your Weightlifting BeltHow to Break In Your Lifting Belt1. Wearing Your Belt Often2. Use Some Elbow Grease3. Sweat More During Workouts4. Heat is Your Friend5. Grab Some Olive OilFinal ThoughtsYou buy your first leather powerlifting belt and you put it on.There’s a problem.It’s stiff.It’s uncomfortable.Did … Read more

How Often Should You Wear Your Weight Lifting Belt?

A weight lifting belt is an important gym accessory to help you lift more. It is NOT a WWE championship belt.An accessory is an add-on not something absolutely required. A weight lifting belt helps you lift more and brace better during strength movements. Quick NavigationDrawbacks of Wearing A Lifting Belt All the TimeWhen to Use … Read more

How to Put on Your Weight Lifting Belt?

How to Put on Your Weight Lifting Belt

We’ve all seen it before.Somebody at the gym wearing a gym accessory incorrectly. We’re left cringing at the fact that they may be doing more harm than good to their body.Most gym accessories seem to be simple enough and yet there are people who always find a way to misuse them. Quick NavigationBuckle’s OutThe True … Read more

The 5 Best Exercises to Perform With Your Weight Lifting Belt

Quick NavigationBest Lifts to Use A Weight Lifting Belt For1. Deadlifts2. Squats3. Bench Press4. Clean and Jerk5. Overhead PressWhen to Use Your Weightlifting BeltSafetyBracing StrengthFinal ThoughtsMisusing gym equipment is unsafe.It’s as dangerous as using weight lifting accessories when they’re unnecessary.Weight lifting belts provide support and stability during certain lifts. But not all exercises need a … Read more

Why Use a Weightlifting Belt: Instructions and Benefits

Why Use a Weightlifting Belt

Whether you’re just thinking about starting to lift weights and improve your body, or you have already started the process, you might have seen various strongmen and amateurs who are wearing weightlifting belts. These accessories are very controversial, as there isn’t enough science beyond determining how useful they are precisely, but most professionals agree that they … Read more

Weight Lifting Belt Pros and Cons: Is it Safe?

Weight Lifting Belt Pros and Cons

Weightlifting belts are one of the most controversial topics when it comes to working out in the gym using massive amounts of weight. This is mainly because most folks have misconceptions about how these belts even function. Not to mention, being utterly unaware of the way they actually help you. Quick NavigationWeight Lifting Belt Pros and … Read more

How Does a Weightlifting Belt Work: A Detailed Explanation

How Does a Weightlifting Belt Work

We often see weightlifting belts being used by many professional bodybuilders, CrossFit practitioners, and other gym enthusiasts. Still, there is a lower number of people using these accessories each year, and that is because they don’t quite understand how does a weightlifting belt work. People tend to believe either that wearing a belt will allow them … Read more