
10 Proven Ways to Fix Shin Scraping When Deadlifting

Prevent Deadlift Shin Scrape

Your deadlift form could be immaculate. The bar is nice and close to your shins. This gives a near-perfect center of gravity and an effective lift. But, then you experience the dreaded deadlift shin scrape! OUCH! BLOODY AND BRUISED SHINS!  Yup, bar to shin scrapes are normal even among the best deadlifters. Like myself, a lot … Read more

Cossack Squat: How to, Muscles Worked, Benefits (+ How To)

Cossack Squat How to, Muscles Worked, Benefits

The Cossack squat is one of the lesser-seen exercises in the gym. Lacking the visible gains that squats, deadlifts, and lunges provide, many lifters tend to avoid the Cossack squat. However, with its vast array of benefits, from increased flexibility to quad and glute development, should we all be integrating the Cossack squat into our … Read more

Should You Squat and Deadlift on the Same Day? 4 Great Benefits

Should You Squat and Deadlift on the Same Day 4 Great Benefits

Key Points If you enjoy reading about our content, you know we’re fans of the squat and deadlift. But can you squat and deadlift on the same day? Although performing both compound movements can be tiring, there are quite a number of benefits. Lifters can break through training plateaus, improve sporting performance, indicate powerlifting capabilities and … Read more

Deadlift Shoulder Pain: 5 Common Reasons & How to Fix  

Deadlift Shoulder Pain 5 Common Reasons & How to Fix

The shoulder is a unique ball and socket joint. Some lifters will experience deadlift shoulder pain from time to time. So how do lifters get shoulder pain from deadlifting? Some common reasons for deadlift shoulder pain include poor mobility, bad technique, or lack of shoulder strength. During the deadlift, lifters should take care to prepare … Read more

Is Deadlift Good For Wrestling? Yes, Here’s 6 Ways 

Is Deadlift Good For Wrestling Yes, Here's 6 Ways 

There are many advanced weight lifting exercises like the power snatches and cleans (1). The movement patterns of these lifts can translate into wrestling performance.  The deadlift is also a great exercise, especially for those who have just started to use resistance training as a means to improve wrestling performance.  Is deadlift good for wrestling? … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Isometric Deadlift:  7 Benefits and How to

Ultimate Guide to Isometric Deadlift  7 Benefits and How to

Key Points I remember leveling up on the weights during the deadlift. I stacked 507 pounds on the bar. But I couldn’t even pull the bar past my knees! For those of you experiencing something similar, you can fully understand my frustration at that time.  So the knee range was obviously my weak sticking point. … Read more

Do Deadlifts Work the Lats? (Yes, How to Engage the Lats)

Do Deadlifts Work the Lats (Yes, How to Engage the Lats)

Strong lats could make your barbell deadlift safer and more effective than EVER!   Do deadlifts work the lats? Yes, the lats get engaged during the deadlifts. However, don’t expect much growth and strength of the lats from deadlifts alone. When you learn how to engage the lats in the deadlift it stabilizes your shoulders and … Read more

Do Deadlifts Work Your Traps? (Yes, 8 Incredible Benefits)

Do Deadlifts Work Your Traps (Yes, 8 Incredible Benefits)

I remember when I first started working out, I almost never did deadlifts.  As soon as I included it into my workout program my trapezius (traps) accelerated in strength and growth.  I kid you not, within 3 months it got to the point where my back was literally hugging against my t-shirts.  I was in … Read more